
Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday gives me HIVES!

Recently, I've been trying to do my best with trying to get my grades up as much as possible, therefore I have 1) not found the time to write and 2) didn't have inspiration on things to write about (although i do have plenty of pieces for what may turn out to be the last addition to Closet Overhaul '11). However, I do want to get into this "Black Friday" madness because all the videos coming out on YouTube give me hives with how crazy people can get.

I hope the savings over at Urban outfitters were STEEP because that is too much pushing and shoving to get a few dollars off of a dress...or a bag...or a top. No shade to Urban Outfitters, I quite like that store!

Yes, I understand that these irons were selling for $2. Is it worth getting into a panic for something I could find for a few dollars more on Amazon from the comfort of my own couch however? No, I don't think so either.

If these videos are what Black Friday is all about, then i'm perfectly fine with just staying home and eating more turkey and things of that nature.

If anyone reading this has ever experienced the Black Friday madness, I have one question for you: Was it worth it?

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